Support Partners
We need prayer partners!
If you would like to stay updated on the ministry, please sign-up for our monthly newsletters at: |
We need financial partners!
We would be grateful to have you join our support team at any amount.
We would be grateful to have you join our support team at any amount.
Giving Options:
By check:
1. Make check out to: Small World Connections (with Steve Waggoner in memo line)
1. Make check out to: Small World Connections (with Steve Waggoner in memo line)
2. Mail check to: Small World Connections, PO Box 22, Chillicothe, IL 61523
By Papal:
1. Visit the Small World Connections website
2. Click on the donate button in the upper left corner.
3. Type Steve Waggoner in Purpose/Team Member
1. Visit the Small World Connections website
2. Click on the donate button in the upper left corner.
3. Type Steve Waggoner in Purpose/Team Member
By Direct Withdrawal:
1. Email me:
2. I will send you an ACH form
3. Fill out form and mail to: Small World Connections, PO Box 22, Chillicothe, IL 61523
1. Email me:
2. I will send you an ACH form
3. Fill out form and mail to: Small World Connections, PO Box 22, Chillicothe, IL 61523
If you have any questions, please email me:
Looking forward to a fruitful partnership for King Jesus!
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