
Showing posts from March, 2018

More life change at the Ridge!

Last night we continued to celebrate the transforming power of the gospel.  Three young men proclaimed their new faith in Christ through baptism.  Below, I've highlighted Kailup.  Kailup is such a blessing.  His simple love for the Lord and others is evident. Check out a video of his baptism below and continue to pray for God to move in and through the lives of His people at the Ridge.

New Life at the Ridge

God continues to build His Kingdom at the Ridge.  I wanted to share one special story.  Clint Meyer, one of this year's A.B.I.D.E. guys was recently privileged to introduce a 15 year old girl name Shelby to King Jesus!  Shelby has had a very hard life, but now she knows Christ as her healer, Savior and Lord.  Her newfound joy and freedom is so evident. We all watch in wonder as she grows in her love for the Lord and others.  A couple of weeks ago Shelby proclaimed her faith in Christ through baptism.  In the photos below you can see the love, encouragement, and prayer of her faith family.  Her mom, dad, sisters, and aunt were amazed at the love they witnessed. I trust it won't be long to we welcome them to faith as well.  The Ridge is been transformed by the Gospel one life at a time.  

Hope Partners Overview

I wanted to share an new overview video of Hope Partners Africa (HPA), our ministry to refugees in Uganda. For their safety and anonymity, the faces of the two refugee woman interviewed have been blurred.  Please pray for us as we prepare to send a team this summer to serve woman recovering from horrific trauma like what you will hear described here.  Also pray for the ladies (see pic below) in our church who lead the Free Indeed Initiative, a business partner with HPA.  Free Indeed sells jewelry that is handmade by refugees as part of their occupational and group therapy. To see the video follow this link:  Hope Partners Africa