Prayer and Praise Reports

A New Leah, Tanzania, Uganda, A New Chapter for Rachel, A New Pace, A Testimony of Multiplication, Pictures from Life and Ministry 

Rooted Program and Staff Training for Living Hope, Disciplemaking Training for Churches and Ministry Leaders, A Life Well Lived, A Season of Transitions, Please Pray! 

A New Thing!  A Busy Beginning to 2023.  Rooted Program

Youth Mission Trip, Leading a Retreat in Tanzania, Encouraging Business as Mission, Training Local Churches, Representing Living Hope at CAFO, DLC's, Moody Bible Institute, Other Pics of Life and Ministry, Prayer Requests

Uganda, Disciplemaking Training, D Groups Unleashed, Recent Pictures of Life and Ministry, Prayer Requests
Tanzania, A State Champ, a Beautiful Baker, a CakePop maker, and a New Puppy!, Upcoming Ministry Opportunities and Prayer Requests.

Disciplemaking Training, Disciplemaking Learning Communities, Uganda, Liberia, Faith Family

Disciplemaking Training, Albania May 2021, New Abide Class, Family Time, Upcoming Ministry Opportunities and Prayer Requests

Training Church Planters in Albania, Three Timothys, Multiplying Multipliers, 

Psalms Devos, Albania Trip, Stephen Ministry, Happy 50th! 

PALC and WDLC, Doing Sports God's Way, Loving for the Long Haul, Discplemaking Friendships

April - June 2020
Anticipation Acres, Abide Girls, Common Ground Bakery, Family Updates

January - March 2020
A Bumpy Start to 2020, Growing the Kingdom, Doing Sports God's Way, Church in the Home, Training Disciplemakers, Multiple Generations, Rachel's Impact, Join Us Online

November and December 2019
A fruitful year with Juna Amagara, New Ministry Partners in Africa, Anticipation Acres

September and October 2019
Scott's Testimony, Leading training in Wisconsin and Minnesota, PALC, D Groups in Uganda

Summer 2019
Task Force Kickoff, FCA Camp, Sabbatical, and Discipleship Training

April 2019
Ministry is Relationships in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Idaho

February and March
Implementation of Juna Amagara's discipleship plan, FCA, PALCO

January 2019
The Juna Amagara Teachers and Student Leaders Confernce

New Year Report 
Looking ahead to 2019

December 2018
Year in Review:  Looking Back on God's Faithfulness

October 2018
Highlighting our new partnerships in Liberia. Update on our Liberian pastor's training trip.

September 2018 
Highlighting our work with the AIDS orphan ministry of Juna Amagara

August 2018
Highlighting our work with Ugandan Refugees through our Hope Partners Africa and Free Indeed Partnerships

July 2018
Much Needed Rest, A life well lived, Doing Sports God's Way, Uganda Mission Team

June 2018
Albania, Ridge Dedication, VBS, Mom and Dad arrive

April and May 2018
Equipping the Saints, The One Month Countdown, Upcoming Dedication, A lasting Impact!, Prayer for Albania

March 2018
Hope Partners Africa Video, Life Change at the Ridge, Train the Trainers!

February 2018
Start with Why!, A Time of Preparation, Multiplication in Action!

January 2018
Juna Amagara Video, Disciplemaking Friendships, A Great Honor!

November 2017
Making Connections, The Church at the Ridge, What is #Giving Tuesday?

October 2017
Soccer, Soap, and Scones, Soccer Church, Shiloh Soaps, The Bakery, The Bookers

August 2017
Partnerships!, Small World Connections, Campus Ministry, Business as Mission, D Groups

July 2017
Uganda Film Project, "You will know who God wants to have this!", A Spark of Hope in the Dark, Camp Red Arrow

June 2017
A.B.I.D.E. 2.0, Preparing for Uganda, The Bakery Opening


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