Goodbyes are hard, but Christ is worth it!

Today, we commissioned a young family in our church to their pre-field training at Radius International . From this 10-month long, intense residential training for pioneer church planters, they will go to serve in area of the world that has had no exposure to the gospel. Their work won't be easy or safe. The unreached areas of the world remain unreached for a reason: going there is costly, but Christ is worth it!  His worship is the fuel for their mission.

This young dad and mom along with their baby daughter are so dear to us.  There really isn't any other way to say it.  This is going to be hard. Letting them go to the ends of the earth hurts, but tear-filled goodbyes reveal authentic relationships.   We have seen the fruit of their ministry and their heart for the lost. Every member of our faith family has been deeply impacted by this precious family's passion for Christ. God has powerfully used this young family to develop a deeper love in my heart for Christ and His mission.  They will be sorely missed! In the midst of the pain, we are learning that this is the metric of success God has called us to: loving deeply and launching strategically. This is what raising up and releasing pioneers for the Kingdom is all about.

Today we smile through the tears and look forward to the day we will worship with brothers and sisters of every tribe and tongue around the throne of King Jesus!


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